Effective Remedies for Happy, Healthy Skin

As a parent, nothing tugs at the heartstrings quite like seeing your little one uncomfortable due to skin irritations or ailments. While it's always essential to consult with your pediatrician for severe conditions, there are many natural remedies you can incorporate into your baby's skincare routine to help soothe and alleviate common skin issues. From diaper rash to eczema, let's explore some gentle and effective natural remedies for promoting happy, healthy baby skin.

Natural Remedies for Skin Irritation and Eczema 

1) Coconut Oil

Known for its moisturising and anti-inflammatory properties, coconut oil is a versatile remedy for various skin ailments.

Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, healthy acid which is also in breast milk. It can add moisture to the skin, which can help babies and adults with dry skin and eczema.

Coconut oil can be comparatively inexpensive and is very safe to use. People can find it in many grocery and drug stores around the world, making it an accessible and easy option for people with eczema.

Coconut oil’s moisturising properties can help relieve irritation. Eczema is an inflammatory disease, and the oil also contains properties that can reduce inflammation and ease associated symptoms.

Coconut Oil


Apply a thin layer of organic, virgin coconut oil to your baby's affected areas to soothe dryness, itchiness, and redness associated with conditions like eczema and cradle cap. Its gentle nature makes it safe for daily use and suitable for sensitive baby skin.

2) Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is celebrated for its cooling and soothing properties, making it an excellent remedy for sunburns, minor burns, and irritated skin.

Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, aloe vera gel can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Aloe vera possesses both antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, making it effective in preventing skin infections, particularly in cases of dry, cracked skin.

Additionally, its ability to bolster the immune system can further support skin health.

Aloe vera

Furthermore, aloe vera's wound-healing properties are well-documented, offering soothing relief to broken skin and promoting faster healing.

Apply a small amount of pure aloe vera gel to your baby's affected areas to provide relief from discomfort and support skin regeneration.

3) Apple Cider Vinegar

Although it may sound surprising, apple cider vinegar has;

  • antimicrobial and
  • anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit certain skin conditions.

The National Eczema Association (NEA) reports that apple cider vinegar could help with eczema. However, the organisation recommends caution because the vinegar’s acids can damage soft tissue. Always try a small area to test your baby's skin for any reaction. 

Dilute organic, raw apple cider vinegar with water and apply it to your baby's skin using a soft cloth or cotton pad.

This solution can help balance pH levels, soothe itching, and reduce inflammation associated with conditions like diaper rash and eczema.

4) Honey

Raw honey is renowned for its antibacterial and moisturising properties, making it a natural remedy for minor cuts, scrapes, and dry skin.

One of the most widely recognised properties of honey is its ability to help fight against skin infections.

Honey can help promote wound healing, reduce inflammation, and soothe irritated skin, providing relief from discomfort.

Apply a thin layer of organic, raw honey to your baby's affected areas and gently massage it in.

5) Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is prized for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a popular remedy for various skin conditions.

However, it's essential to use tea tree oil with caution, especially on babies, as it can be potent and may cause skin irritation if not properly diluted.

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil, and apply it sparingly to your baby's affected areas to help alleviate itching, redness, and inflammation.

It is best to do a test patch by applying a small amount of tea tree oil to a small area of skin and waiting 24 hours. If there is no reaction after 24 hours, it may be safe to use.

6) Oatmeal Baths

Oatmeal is a natural skin soother that can provide relief for irritated and inflamed skin. Simply grind plain, uncooked oats into a fine powder and sprinkle it into your baby's bathwater.

To maximise benefits from a colloidal oatmeal bath for eczema relief:

  • use lukewarm, never hot, water
  • thoroughly mix the oatmeal in the water
  • soak for 10–15 minutes
  • rinse after bathing
  • towel dry gently, without rubbing the skin too much
  • moisturize the skin immediately afterward
  • oatmeal can make the bath slippery so take care when stepping in and out

7) Chamomile Tea Compress

Chamomile is renowned for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent remedy for soothing irritated skin.

How to use; 

  • Brew a cup of chamomile tea and let it cool to room temperature
  • Dip a clean cloth or cotton pad into the cooled tea, 
  • Gently apply it to your baby's affected areas as a compress. The gentle, calming effects of chamomile can help alleviate discomfort and promote healing.


8) Breast Milk

Breast milk isn't just nourishing for your baby; it also has powerful healing properties for their skin.

Apply a few drops of breast milk to your baby's affected areas and gently massage it in.

9) Calendula Salve

Calendula, also known as marigold, is a natural herb with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Look for a gentle calendula salve or balm made with organic ingredients and apply it to your baby's skin as needed.

Calendula salve can help soothe diaper rash, minor cuts, scrapes, and dry patches, promoting healing and providing relief from discomfort.

The antibodies and nutrients present in breast milk can help protect and heal the skin, making it an excellent natural remedy for various skin ailments.

When it comes to caring for your baby's delicate skin, natural remedies can offer gentle and effective solutions for soothing common skin ailments.

By incorporating these remedies into your baby's skincare routine, you can provide relief from discomfort and promote happy, healthy skin the natural way.

Remember to consult with your pediatrician before trying any new remedies, especially if your baby has sensitive skin or underlying health conditions.

With a little love and care, you can keep your baby's skin soft, smooth, and radiant.

Good luck and Lots of love

Esra Kokel Lombard