sleeping baby

Newborn Sleep Patterns

Welcoming a newborn into your life is a joyous occasion, but it also comes with a fair share of sleepless nights for parents. Understanding your newborn's sleep patterns is crucial for both their well-being and your peace of mind.

In this blog, we'll dive into the fascinating world of newborn sleep, and we'll explore how Bebekish's range of organic and bamboo baby sleeping clothes, bamboo beddings, and muslin swaddles can play a vital role in helping your little one get the peaceful rest they need.

baby in a bed

How Sleepsuits and Muslin Swaddles Make Bedtime a Breeze?

As parents, we understand that a good night's sleep for your little one is priceless. When your child struggles with itching and discomfort from sensitive skin or eczema, it can lead to sleepless nights and exhaustion for both the child and parents.

That's where Bebekish steps in with a solution designed to provide comfort and peaceful slumber – our sleep suits, bamboo beddings and muslin swaddles.

baby solid food

When to introduce solid foods to a newborn?

Introducing solid foods to a newborn is an important milestone, but it's essential to wait until your baby is developmentally ready.
baby sleeping tips

Sleep training methods for newborns

Sleep training for newborns typically involves establishing healthy sleep habits and routines to encourage better sleep patterns. Keep in mind that newborns have irregular sleep schedules and may wake frequently for feeding and care. Sleep training methods for newborns are more about creating a conducive sleep environment and helping them distinguish between night and day. 
Newborn Baby Care Tips

Newborn baby care tips

Every baby is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Trust your instincts as a parent and seek advice from healthcare professionals or experienced parents when needed.

Newborn care can be challenging, but it's also a rewarding journey as you get to know your little one and develop a strong bond.

Here is some advice for you from our experiences. It is all try and error... 

What are the essential items for a baby registry?

What are the essential items for a baby registry?

Creating a baby registry is a great way to let friends and family know what you need for your new arrival. While the specific items you'll want to include on your registry can vary based on your lifestyle, budget, and personal preferences.
how much feeding a baby

How often should I feed my newborn, and how much should they eat?

Feeding a newborn is an important aspect of their care, and it's essential to establish a feeding routine that meets their needs. However, it's important to note that the specific feeding frequency and amount can vary depending on the baby's age, individual needs, and whether they are breastfed or formula-fed.
What are the best ways to soothe a crying baby?

What are the best ways to soothe a crying baby?

Soothing a crying baby can be a challenging but essential part of parenting. 

Ensure the baby's basic needs are met. Check if they are hungry, need a diaper change, or are feeling too hot or cold. Sometimes, meeting these needs is all it takes to soothe a crying baby. Here are some effective and gentle ways to calm a crying baby. 

sleeping baby

How can I get my baby to sleep through the night?

Getting a baby to sleep through the night can be a gradual process, as each baby is unique and may have different sleep patterns. However, there are some strategies you can try to encourage longer and more restful sleep for your baby.

sleeping baby

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Swaddle for Your Baby

Welcoming a newborn into the world is an exciting and precious moment for any parent. As you embark on this beautiful journey, ensuring your baby's comfort and safety becomes a top priority. One essential item that can provide your little one with a sense of security and a peaceful night's sleep is a swaddle.
The Most Important 3 Questions About Breastfeeding?

The Most Important 3 Questions About Breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding is a crucial and natural process that provides numerous benefits for both the baby and the mother. In this journey, you may have some questions and we answered 3 most important breastfeeding questions for you. 
5 Reasons Why Bamboo Muslin Sleeping Bags Are Perfect for Your Little One

5 Reasons Why Bamboo Muslin Sleeping Bags Are Perfect for Your Little One

When it comes to providing a comfortable and safe sleep environment for your child, a bamboo muslin sleeping bag is a game-changer. In this article, we'll explore the top five reasons why bamboo muslin sleeping bags are the perfect choice for your little one's peaceful slumber.